Ella Xu
Ella is a student at Lawler Middle School in Frisco, Texas. She has a diverse array of academic and extracurricular activities.She is interested in a variety of different sciences, demonstrating her inquisitive nature and love for learning. She also has a passion for writing and showing her creative side.
Additionally, she enjoys playing cello and piano, being a part of her school’s top orchestra, which performed at the Texas Music Educators Association in 2024, and she was in the 2023-2024 middle school All-Region Orchestra. Ella also plays tennis and basketball outside of school. In her free time, she also participates in learning different programming languages such as Python and JavaScript, pursuing her interest in computer science. She utilizes these skills in robotics. In 2024, her robotics team advanced to the semifinals of the FLL competition.
She is responsible for collecting, recording, and distributing all volunteer letters and enjoys giving back to the community through volunteering.